A woman in a position prefers to eat only wholesome and natural foods so as not to harm herself or her unborn baby. If the future mother loves mushrooms, then she is concerned about the question of whether it is possible to eat chanterelles during pregnancy.
Beneficial features
For pregnant women, chanterelle mushrooms are considered very beneficial. First of all, they help strengthen the immune system, reducing the likelihood of getting a cold or other viral infections. This property is especially relevant for women in early pregnancy, when there is a high chance of miscarriage.
Did you know? Latvia is considered the leader in the export of chanterelles. In 2013, more than 70 thousand kg of fruits were sold here, and the total revenue reached 300 thousand euros.
Chanterelles contain a large amount of protein. Its performance is much higher even compared to meat. Also, the product is rich in carbohydrates and minerals: iodine, zinc, calcium and phosphorus. All chemical elements contribute to the normalization of the body as a whole. Iodine supports the thyroid gland, thereby improving the reproductive function of women. With a lack of phosphorus, chronic fatigue develops and rapid weight loss occurs. Also, this element positively affects the development of the fetus.
Zinc helps prevent premature birth, and calcium is involved in the formation of bones and teeth. Many women express their dissatisfaction with the condition of nails, skin and hair during pregnancy. The use of chanterelle mushrooms will correct unpleasant sensations. The nails will become stronger, the hair shiny and well-groomed, and the skin will be cleansed of acne and rashes. Since in the early and late stages of pregnancy, many women suffer from facial pigmentation, the use of mushroom fruits will help get rid of this problem.
- The benefits of chanterelle mushrooms are noted at all stages of pregnancy:
- during the first trimester, the child’s body is formed, therefore, needs a large amount of protein;
- in the second, mushrooms saturate the body of the woman and the fetus with all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
- in the third trimester, the child needs calcium and vitamin D.
Important! Chanterelles also help fight fatigue and varicose veins.
Collection rules
If you go on a “silent hunt” or go to a mushroom shop, you need to know a few basic rules for collecting and buying:
- Do not take fruits that grow near roads, highways or plants. They accumulate in themselves heavy metals and harmful substances contained in the soil.
- Choose fruits with elastic legs and hats.
- Give preference to chanterelles of medium size, as their taste is more saturated.
- Choose fruits that have a pleasant mushroom aroma. If the smell is sharp, then they have already deteriorated.
- Carefully inspect the legs and caps for worms.
- Choose only those fruits that have a uniform shade (no stains and rot).
Maternity Restrictions
During pregnancy, you need to use chanterelles correctly, not exceeding the daily norm. Within 24 hours, it is allowed to eat no more than 200 g of mushrooms, so as not to harm the body. It is also necessary to eat chanterelles no more than 2 times a week. This will allow the body to digest the previous portion.
Important! Pregnant women are forbidden to use pickled or salted chanterelles. Excessive amounts of salt will cause edema.
Cooking rules
For cooking, only fresh and carefully selected fruits should be used. In rare cases, frozen chanterelles can be used.
The correctness of the preparation is as follows:
- Rinse the mushrooms under running water.
- Soak them in clean water and leave for several hours. This will remove all negative substances accumulated in the fruiting body.
- Cleanse dirt and stains.
- Cut into small pieces and set on fire.
- Cook for 2-3 hours.
- During cooking, water should be changed several times.
- Strain and dry.
After all the preparatory stages have been completed, you can use mushrooms to prepare salads and soups.
Common recipes
Forest chanterelles are characterized by a rich aroma and taste, therefore, in the process of frying, all their properties only increase. To cook fried mushrooms, you need 500 g of chanterelles, 1 medium onion, 1 clove of garlic, herbs (to taste) and vegetable oil.
Step-by-step cooking procedure:
- Peel and rinse the mushrooms.
- Cut into small pieces.
- Boil in clean water for 20 minutes.
- Cut the onions into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown.
- Add mushrooms to the pan. Fry all the ingredients together for another 30 minutes.
- Sprinkle with herbs and seasonings to your taste.
Very often soup is made from chanterelles. To make it, you need 300 g of chicken bones (for broth), 300 g of mushrooms, onions, carrots, potatoes, salt and pepper (to taste).
The cooking process is as follows:
- Boil chicken bones (if desired, can be replaced with beef). It should make a rich broth. Remove foam during cooking.
- While the meat is cooked, prepare the mushrooms. They need to be cleaned of dirt and washed. After this, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, rinse them under running water.
- Peel and chop the potatoes.
- Onions and carrots are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Add the mixture to the soup.
- Mushrooms are added last.
- Cook the soup for another 10 minutes, after which it becomes usable.
Contraindications and possible harm
- Contraindications to use include:
- severe toxicosis;
- allergies or individual intolerances;
- liver and kidney diseases;
- problems with the cardiovascular system (thrombosis, frequent pain in the heart, etc.);
- gout.
If your body does not digest mushrooms well or you have exceeded the recommended norms, then your health condition is violated.
- Harm from chanterelles can manifest itself in the following symptoms:
- diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting;
- dizziness and hallucinations;
- cramps
- premature birth;
- the skin becomes pale.
If you notice such symptoms for yourself, then you need to rinse your stomach urgently. First, drink 5-7 glasses of warm water to provoke vomiting. After that, take 10 tablets of activated carbon and call a doctor.
So, now you know how and in what quantities chanterelles are allowed to be used during pregnancy. In order not to harm her health, a woman must strictly follow the daily norms. It is best to consult your doctor before introducing this product into your diet.