On the eve of the New Year, the staff of Roskachestvo set about traditionally checking the main decoration of the festive table - red caviar.
The main parameters by which experts will evaluate the quality of this product are appearance, smell, taste characteristics, as well as the presence or absence of antibiotics, bacteria and chlorine.
“There are about 50 factors that help us evaluate the quality of caviar,” they say in the inspection department. - We examine the caviar of fish species such as trout, pink salmon, sockeye salmon and chum salmon - which were salted in different regions of Russia.
We are talking about banks with caviar, which go on sale from factories in the Leningrad, Moscow regions, Kamchatka and Primorsky Territories. And also from Novosibirsk.
In the meantime, researchers are checking whether red caviar meets state standards, Roskachestvo employees give ordinary consumers some useful tips.
Check out
“This is normal practice,” they say in “Roskachestvo”. - Another thing is important here: a package with such caviar (and with any other) must be marked with the inscription "GOST". If such marking is present, then the species of fish from which this caviar is obtained should be indicated next to it. ”
It is also important to pay attention to the date of production of caviar. And here it should be borne in mind that the fish spawns in the interval from mid-May to late autumn. Therefore, caviar should be harvested precisely in this period of time.
“If caviar is sold in a tin can, please note that the date must be stamped on it in a convex way, and not pressed in,” experts emphasize. - If the production date is voluminous and convex, then the caviar is made at the factory. The bank itself should not bear signs of bloating. ”
As for the storage of caviar, the optimal temperature is minus 4 - minus six degrees Celsius.
“Having opened a tin can with caviar and not having eaten it completely that very evening, try to transfer the product to another container. Preferably in a glass. And remember that after you open the package, red caviar is suitable for consumption for a week! ”