An outbreak of such a dangerous disease as brucellosis was recorded among representatives of cattle at a private farm compound of the village of Temnoleskaya, which is located in the Shpakovsky district of Stavropol.
Due to the fact that Shpakovsky burenki are massively infected with the virus, a quarantine regime is declared in the village. Based on the conditions of this regime, the inhabitants of the Darkwood have no right to export from the territory of the village individuals infected with brucellosis, as well as farm equipment, which is part of the process of growing and keeping cows.
We add that in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, in connection with the situation in the village of Temnolesskaya, an emergency meeting of members of the commission on emergency epizootic situations was held. During the meeting, experts discussed an action plan to localize the brucellosis virus and prevent the onset of a mass epidemic among cattle and small cattle in the territory of the Stavropol Territory.According to the Veterinary Administration of Stavropol Territory, the emergency meeting was chaired by the deputy head of the emergency commission, Alexander Tregubov, who also runs the Veterinary Administration of the region.
We also add that during the meetings, commission members and other participants in the meeting paid attention to the organization of supervisory activities and control measures that are initiated by the regional veterinary supervision department of the Stavropol Veterinary Administration of the Russian Federation.